Male aesthetic operations are becoming more important every day. It is obvious that nowadays men attach more importance to their appearance than ever before. Therefore, issues related to male aesthetics attract attention. Beard transplantation is known as a method used by men who are suffering from this problem.
What is beard transplantation?
Beard transplant, which is becoming more popular every day is known as transplanting hair follicles taken from the back of the head or from a different part of the body to the beardless areas on the face. Contrary to what is supposed, Beard transplantation performed under local anesthesia as an operation that has no risk and can be performed without any problems. The number of grafts deemed appropriate by the physician who will be performing the operation are implanted in the beardless area. Beard and mustache transplantation is known as one of the procedures that men who care about their appearance want to undergo. yet, the experience of the hair transplant specialist who will perform this procedure should be sufficient.
Beard transplantation refers to a similar process just as hair transplantation. Let’s take a look at the stages of beard transplantation together!
How is beard transplantation performed?
As everyone knows, beard gain is completed for men between the age of 19-20 at the latest. However, there are many men over the age of 20 who still do not have a beard. We can say that there is a problem of not growing a bushy beard due to reasons such as wounds and burns, especially regional irregularities. At this point we must clarify that this situation is no longer a destiny.
Beard transplantation is an application made in order to achieve the desired beard density. Anyone who suffers from this problem, especially those who doesn’t have a beard in any way, who have dulled certain areas on their face due to reasons such as wounds and burn marks, and who complain about their beard growing asymmetrically, can apply for beard transplantation. Not growing a beard at all is a serious problem, and many men complain that the beard grows only in certain areas or grows asymmetrically. Many men feel very bad about the appearance they have with their beards growing. But we must say that men have developed an effective solution against this problem due to the 100% successful beard transplant operation.
No one knows how important beard is for men! Beard, known as the indicator of masculinity, draws attention as a feature that men need. In the process of completing puberty, we can say that in addition to growing height and voice thickening, beard gain is extremely important. In other words, if the beards are still not thicker after the twenties, it is necessary to say that the natural beard gain has come to an end. After this point, the beard transplant procedure will be necessary.
“if you are thinking of having a beard transplant, there is nothing to worry about if you work with a good doctor.“
Op. Dr. Serif Yavuz
What are the methods of beard transplantation?
FUE transplantation method is generally used during beard transplantation. In this method, the donor area is determined first. Donor area is preferred as the area on the cheekbones and neck bones. If the hairs here are not removed, the hairs of the nape area should be preferred. In the next step, the area to be transplanted should be determined. It should be determined how much follicles should be transplanted to this area.
Shaving should be performed in the area where the beard will be transplanted. At this stage, the channels must be suitable for the width of the hair follicles to be transplanted. In addition, opening the channel at the right angle is another necessary issue. Otherwise, the appearance of the beard will not be natural in any way. In the next step, grafts are taken from the donor area. The hair follicles taken are placed one by one in the opened area for transplantation. By this way, the beard transplantation process is completed.
By the end of the beard transplantation, the person is discharged at the same day. In one to three days, the first washing process is carried out on the area where the transplantation is performed.
What are the steps of beard transplantation?
For the above reasons, if you need a beard transplant operation, you should consult a specialist doctor for beard transplant. Nowadays, the number of clinics and similar places you can apply for beard transplantation is increasing day after day.
- First of all, we should explain that beard transplantation is just like hair transplant procedure. In other words, beard transplantation is done in the same way as hair transplantation.
- Before the beard transplantation, it is necessary to undergo a detailed preliminary examination. In this way, it is determined in which region the problem is present and whether the person has the appropriate health condition and characteristics for this procedure.
- In the next stage, the area to be transplanted is determined. In this way, the number of grafts is also calculated.
- Before the beard transplantation, some tests must be done the patient. Blood is taken from the patient in order to apply the necessary tests.
- In order for the patient to benefit from this operation, painless anesthesia and local anesthesia are provided.
- It is essential to determine the donor area for beard transplantation. Hair follicles are collected from this area. Then, it is soaked in the organ transplant solution.
- The collected grafts are planted in the beardless area with the DHI beard technique, which is considered to be performed in beard transplantation.
As a result, beard transplantation is no different from hair transplantation. In other words, there are similar stages. However, the important thing in beard transplantation is that the hair follicles taken from the donor area are preserved together with the technique that will ensure their survival and then transferred to the area to be transplanted. It should be said that mustache transplantation is in a similar category along with beard transplantation. The above steps are applied exactly in the process of both beard and mustache transplantation.
What are the advantages and disadvantages for beard transplantation?
We have to say that each of the aesthetic operations has advantages and disadvantages. However, it is obvious that its advantages are one step ahead for those who have suffered from beard problems for years. The patient will have the style they want. In other words, the patient can get his dream look by adding the desired beard. The patient should share what kind of beard he dream of with his specialist doctor and have a drawing of it. By stating this to the physician, the patient can have the chance to create his own style.
Beard and mustache draw attention as the most important points that complements the aesthetics of men. The patient can be much more attractive with the appearance of beard and mustache both in the daily and business life. In addition, we must express that beard transplantation is not as difficult and painful as it is thought. With the developing technology and gold-tipped needles that been used in many aesthetic centers, the tissue is least damaged. Again, with the DHI Plus Gold method used by many doctors, the beard transplantation procedures can be performed without feeling any pain.
We mentioned that beard transplantation is a similar process comparing to hair transplantation. At this point, the healing process of both procedures is the same. The recover period can be in a shorter time with the application of gold cream. With this application, tissue regeneration will occur much faster. Many people who are considering beard transplantation have questions about whether if they can continue to shave after the operation! Even if a beard is transplanted, there will be no obstacle to shaving. At this point, the patient can start shaving within the specified time advised by the specialist.
As a result, if you are thinking of having a beard transplant, there is nothing to worry about if you work with a good doctor.
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