There are many problems related to the face due to different reasons, especially aging. At this point, many new applications are made, especially in the field of aesthetics, thanks to the development of possibilities. Fat injection to the face is among the popular aesthetic applications in recent years. The process of applying fat in the form of thin layers to the areas that need fullness and vitality on the face is called fat injection in the face.

Fat injection to the face is made with fat taken from different parts of the body. At this point, we should say that the fat to be taken from the abdomen or hip area is used in this process. Before the procedure, a small millimeter entry point is determined. With the round-tipped needle, 20 to 30 cc of fat is taken from the specified area. The amount of fat taken is not too much. 10 cc of fat corresponds to a maximum of one matchbox. Therefore, 30 cc of fat will be as many as three matchboxes. In other words, there is no thinning in the area where the fat is taken.

Fat taken from the body is transferred to the needed area in the face with the help of thinner cannulas. While transferring, an entry point as much as the needle tip will be determined. Fat injection in the face is different compared to other aesthetic operations. There is no possibility of stitching and scarring during operations. Besides, fat injection to the face is combined with other surgeries. A positive result is obtained from the fat injection in the face, which is combined with operations performed under general anesthesia such as nose job operations or facelift operations. In other words, in about 15 minutes of this type of surgery, fat injection is made to the face.

 A common question from our patients is whether cosmetic procedures should be done concurrently or if they should be done separately. As you can see, our kind patient underwent nose surgery, facial fat injections, and lower and upper eyelid procedures two years ago, and she is thrilled with the outcome.

Studies on fat injection to the face are more common abroad. As we mentioned above, combined with other aesthetic operations, facial fat injection is also done alone abroad. With the numbing of the relevant area, efficiency is obtained from the process in a short time. Fat injection can be applied to different parts of the face. We can talk about fat injection in the face for filling the cheek area and shaping the chin, especially the cheekbone.

Another question about fat injection in the face is whether the procedure is permanent or not. According to the researches, the permanence rate of the application was determined as 60 percent. Therefore, in some cases, the operation may not be effective. In other words, the operation needs to be repeated. At this point, measures are taken against the possibility of repeating the operation. In order not to remove fat from the abdomen or hip area each time, excess fat can be removed to be used in subsequent injections. These fats are stored at minus 20 degrees.

It is possible to explain fat injection in the face with an example! Human face needs 10 to 12 cc of fat injection. At this point, 20 cc of fat is taken from the abdomen or hip area of the body. 10 cc of this fat is used. The remaining 10 cc is kept. In addition, it should be said that 6 cc of 10 cc of fat that been applied to the face will be permanent. With the injection of 10 cc of fat in the next session, the amount of permanent fat in the face will vary between 10 and 12 cc.

There is no need to worry about fat injection in the face. Because the healing process is both smooth and short. As with other aesthetic operations, it is not possible to cut or stitch the face. Since it is made with special materials called cannula, no swelling and bruising occurs after the operation., As we said before, the permanence rate of the fats to be injected with the fat injection in the face is approximately 60 percent. Therefore, some experts can inject more fat than it should be by calculating the permanence rate in the first session. For this reason, a temporary swelling occurs to the patients. However, we must be clear that the swelling will disappear in a short time with medication.

For whom can we perform Fat Injection In The Face surgery?

Fat injection in the face is popularly known as fat filling or fat tissue transfer. We can say that it is an operation performed to eliminate the volume loss of the face. In addition to the sagging of the face during aging, volume loss of the face is also encountered. However, it becomes possible to slow down the volume loss with facial fat injection, which has become more popular in recent years. In addition, fat injection can be applied to the face in order to maintain the facial volume and increase the volume in some special cases. As we mentioned before, fat used in fat injection in the face is taken from the patient’s own body.

This operation can be applied to any desired area of the face. Fat injection in the face is used to compensate for the sunken area in the middle of the forehead, or to find solutions to the loss of volume in the eyebrows, or to eliminate the collapse of the temple area, or to eliminate the volume deficiencies under the eye, or to find a solution for the volume deficiencies in the chin area, or to eliminate the cheek volume lessness, or to fill the nasal back irregularities. Filling with the patient’s own fat shows itself as a miracle that medicine has presented to us.

It is possible to benefit from fat injection in the face in order to eliminate all the problems related to aging. However, it is recommended to be performed for people over the age of thirty. At this point, the person should observe his/her face as he/she gets older. The places where the volume has decreased critically should be determined and fat injection should be applied to these areas. At this point, those who experience severe volume loss can start the application of this procedure at the age of 30. It should be applied to dense areas in a session every two or three years. This followed strategy is called adipose tissue maintenance therapy.

Although fat injection in the face is usually started for people in their 30s, some people may start these procedures later. So, the volume requirement on their face will be much greater. Especially people with advanced stages of aging are more critical to do it. At this point, as an option of facial rejuvenation surgeries, high volume fat injection is also included in the same session. However, it is imperative that people who are willing to do this procedure have patient and realistic expectations above all. Possible swelling after the procedure can be annoying for some people.

“After Fat Injection In The Face surgery, it takes six weeks to reach the final volume of the face.”

What should be considered after Fat Injection In The Face surgery?

After applying fat injection in the face, swelling or bruising may occur in the applicational area. Although some people overcome this process without any problems, some patients experience very pronounced and annoying swelling. In small and single zone applicational areas, it is possible to return to normal life within a minimum of five and a maximum of seven days. However, this period can be extended up to three weeks if fat injection is applied to all parts of the face. After the application, we should say that the swelling will reach its highest level, especially within the first 48th hours. It is obvious that patients complain about the appearance of their faces during this period of time. However, more than half of the swelling is edema that will pass after a while. It should be stated that 30 percent of the adipose tissue will dissolve. The remaining part will be permanent.

After fat injection in the face, it takes a total of six weeks to reach the final volume of the face.