Penis Enlargement Surgery; It is known that many men are enthusiastic about penis enlargement. However, many details about this operation are misunderstood. First of all, enlargement of small penises is out of the question with penis enlargement. An extension is done during this operation. It is aimed at sliding the part of the penis, which is located in front of the pelvis, that goes from the bottom to the top and is not visible from the outside.

During the penis enlargement operation, the specialist doctor uses the material they have. In other words, no external parts are attached to the penis. At this point, the greater the length of the penis itself, the greater the elongation obtained by this surgery. In short, we should say that the growth to be achieved by this surgery is directly proportional to the size of the penis. If the penis is small, postoperative elongation will also be small. As a result, penis enlargement surgery is not an operation to enlarge small penises. It is the process of making normal-sized penises even bigger.

Why is Penis Enlargement necessary in Turkey, Istanbul?

We can say that many men worry about their penis size. There are those who suffer from this psychological condition as well as those who suffer from sexual dysfunction. At this point, penis enlargement surgeries are just one of the most researched issues on the internet.

misconceptions about Penis Enlargement Surgery

Before the penis enlargement surgery, it is necessary to provide information about why the small penis problem occurs. We can say that penis size depends on genetic factors. In other words, there is no question of a change in penis size due to later trauma. Apart from genetic factors, penis length also varies according to race. Features such as a thin penis or a short penis also come out personally.

As a result, some solutions are offered for those who are not satisfied with their penis size as a result of the possibilities provided by medicine field. It is possible to extend and enlarge the penis without using a prosthesis. It is necessary to consult a surgeon for penis length without wasting any time, which can also cause sexual dysfunction. However, the patient should never take any advice given by non-physicians who have no experience or knowledge in these matters seriously. Apart from surgical situations, it is not possible to talk about any factor that changes the penis length, at least scientifically.

How is penis enlargement surgery done in Turkey, Istanbul?

Many people wonder about the ideal penis size. At this point, we have to say that the length of an erect penis varies between 5-8 cm. However, there is both longitudinal and transverse enlargement of the penis with erection. In other words, an erect penis reaches a length of 13-15 cm. At this point, it is possible to say that patients with a penis length of 11-12 cm have a short penis. Those who complain about this situation are considered candidates for penis enlargement surgery in line with their demands. We have to say that the thickness of the penis is a matter that varies from person to person.

Penis-lengthening surgeries are becoming widespread every day. It is an operation performed by aesthetic and plastic surgery specialists in many clinics. By loosening the superficial and suspensory ligaments of the penis, the part of the penis that is not visible from the outside is revealed. As we said above, it is not possible to make any attachments to the penis. Normally existing but invisible part is brought out. The elongation condition manifests itself both in the normal state of the penis and in the erection state. Penis-lengthening surgery is generally performed in this way. We have to say that this method is mostly performed in the world. Apart from being a current and successful method, we should state that it is the method with the highest patient satisfaction.


It should be clarified that after the penis enlargement operation, no erection, sensation or sensation loss will occur in the penis. This procedure, which can be defined as the advancement of the inner tissue of the penis, does not have any risk. After the operation, an average of 3-4 cm net elongation occurs in the penis. We should explain that penis thickening, which many patients are wondering about, is a similar process. Penis thickening is a procedure performed by injecting fat tissue that has been taken from the patient into the penis. The fat taken with the liposuction technique is used during this process. At this point, we should also state that there will be no traces left in the area where the fat was removed. The lumbar region or inner parts of the leg is preferred for fat removal.

It is not possible for the patient to encounter any pain during the penis enlargement operation. At this point, the sedation anaesthesia technique is applied, as well as local anaesthesia. As everyone knows, the patient is put to sleep in general anaesthesia. However, in this technique, procedures are performed without putting the patient to sleep. There will be no pain during the operation. By the end of the operation, the patient can go home without any difficulties. However, if liposuction is required to the upper part of the penis root, general anaesthesia is preferred.

Along with the penis enlargement surgery, the patient needs to be abstinent for about a month. In addition, many people wonder how successful the operation has yielded! Looking at the research, the efficient results of the operations emerge. Side effects or complications may occur. However, such situations are closely related to the patient who is not following the aftercare instructions of the operation.

As a result of the possibilities offered by the field of medicine, some solutions are offered to those who are dissatisfied with their penis size. It is possible to extend and enlarge the penis without using a filling.

Penis enlargement surgery cost in Turkey

One of the things that are wondered about penis enlargement surgeries is the cost of the operation. There are certain criteria are taken into consideration when determining the price of the operation. First of all, it must be determined what the problem is in the person’s genital area. Treatment should be planned in order to solve the problem. At this point, we should clarify that the penis enlargement operation is not suitable for everyone in the same way. The health status of each patient and his different disease conditions are taken into consideration. In addition, the expectations of the patient from the plastic surgeon are also important. In other words, the prices of penis enlargement surgery are decided after considering all these factors.

Penis enlargement surgeries are divided into two. With the operations known as penis lengthening and penis thickening, it is aimed to obtain the most relevant results according to the patient’s condition. Besides, there are different techniques in each method. Especially during penis lengthening surgery, the technique of cutting the suspensory ligament is used. In addition, we should say that techniques such as Peno Scrotal Plasty and Supra Pubic V-Y Plasty are used. However, only the penile fat-filling injection method is used in penis enlargement surgery. If the patient wants, he can have both penis extension and penis enlargement operations in the same session. As a result, there are multiple factors that determine the prices of penis enlargement surgery. Whether lengthening or thickening is desired, the technique chosen and the patient’s expectations are among the important factors in determining prices.

Is Penis Enlargement surgery risky in Turkey?


The penis enlargement operation is carried out depending on the details mentioned above. At this point, we should say that there is no difficult surgical process as expected. It is a very straightforward operation. The patient, who was put to sleep with the sedation technique, is awakened and taken to the service after the operation is over. After one hour of the operation, there is no harm for the patient to start eating food.

Finally, we should say that there is no problem for the patient to continue his daily life. A patient who protects himself will get through the process without any problems

How long does it take to heal after Penis Enlargement surgery in Turkey?

Recovery time after penis enlargement surgical treatment can range depending on the particular technique carried out and individual restoration capabilities. It is important to notice that the following facts are popular and might not observe to each person. It is continually excellent to talk over with a certified physician for customized recommendations.

In standard, the initial restoration period after penis growth surgery can ultimate around 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, it is recommended to take time off from work or any strenuous activities to allow the body to heal nicely.

Here is a preferred timeline of the restoration process:

Immediately after surgical treatment: Following the system, you could enjoy some swelling, bruising, and pain in the surgical area. Indications on how to manage pain, care for open wounds, and take any prescribed medications will be given by your surgeon.

The first week after surgery should be spent resting and staying away from any strenuous activity. To encourage recovery and minimize swelling, your surgeon might suggest wearing a dressing or compression garment.

Second week: During the second week, swelling and bruising should progressively go away. To check on your recovery and provide you with further instructions, your surgeon could arrange a follow-up appointment.

Third to fourth week: Most of the early swelling ought to have subsided by now. Light activities can be gradually resumed, but it’s vital to wait for your surgeon’s approval before engaging in any vigorous exercise or engaging in sexual activity.

Long-term recovery: For the greatest long-term outcomes, make sure to adhere to your surgeon’s postoperative recommendations. The full impact of the procedure could not be felt for several months. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this period is crucial and should include appropriate nutrition, regular exercise, and good hygiene habits.

Remember that everyone recovers differently. Therefore it is crucial to speak with your surgeon for specific advice during the healing process. They will be able to provide you with detailed instructions depending on your particular situation and the particular operation done.

Realistic Expectations about Penis Enlargement in Turkey, Istanbul

When setting realistic expectations about penis enlargement, it’s essential to be realistic with yourself and set appropriate ones. While various procedures exist for conducting these processes, it’s crucial that one be mindful of any limitations or potential outcomes they could present.

Here are a few expectations you should keep in mind:

Limited Size Increase: While surgical techniques can offer minor increases to length or circumference, expecting dramatic transformations beyond what can realistically be expected will likely end in disappointment.

Individual Results Vary: Everybody is different, and results of penis enlargement procedures may differ based on factors like genetics, anatomy and overall health. These elements all play into how any procedure unfolds.

Potential Risks and Complications: With any surgical procedure comes risks and possible complications such as infection, scarring, dissatisfaction with results or changes to sensation that should be considered prior to proceeding with surgery for penis enlargement. These could include infection, scarring and dissatisfaction from results as well as changes to sensation.

Realistic Improvements to Self-Confidence: While physical changes resulting from penis enlargement may help contribute to increased self-confidence for some individuals, it’s essential to remember that sexual satisfaction and confidence involve many aspects. Emotional health, communication with partners and overall self-acceptance all play major roles in sexual satisfaction and confidence.

Non-invasive techniques have limitations: Non-surgical techniques like exercises and devices may present their own set of restrictions and results may vary widely from user to user; any gains made through these means could only be temporary.

Communication Is Key: Effective sexual partnerships require open and honest conversation to discuss worries or expectations with their sexual partner(s). Establishing trust through emotional bonding will dramatically enhance sexual satisfaction regardless of penis size.

Psychological Wellbeing Is Important: Don’t let concerns about penis size overshadow the significance of psychological wellbeing. Seeking therapy or counseling services could prove effective in managing body image concerns and cultivating an optimistic perspective on life.

Keep this in mind when considering penis enlargement: the decision should be personal, after having carefully considered all available options and consulting qualified healthcare professionals in this field can provide valuable guidance, setting realistic expectations based on individual circumstances and overall well-being, self-acceptance and open dialogue to create an enriching sexual life for you and others.