Beard transplant; Undoubtedly, it is the most common transplantation procedure after hair transplantation. At this point, the beard transplant operation is in the minds of many people who do not have beards or have insufficient number of beards. However, beard transplant prices; It is extremely low compared to hair transplantation. The biggest factor that reveals this situation is the low amount of hair follicles planted.

Beard; It is important because it is a natural accessory for men. At this point, many people do not have a congenital beard. Also, there are those who lose their beards for a number of reasons. The most suitable solution for these people will be beard transplantation.

What are the Factors Determining the Prices of Beard Transplantation?

Just as in the hair transplantation process, multiple clinics provide services in the beard transplantation operation. Beard transplantation stands out as the best option for those who do not have a beard and are called corner, as well as those who are not satisfied with their beard for any reason. There are such clinics around everyone. You can get information about beard transplant prices by going to these clinics. In addition, there are those who want to benefit from beard transplantation in order to cover the scar or surgical scar caused by any accident or trauma.

The most curious detail about beard transplantation is the price of the procedure. Beard cultivation; Since it is not an operation as obvious as hair transplantation, what is known about its prices is much more limited. However, we must say that there are multiple factors that affect the pricing of beard transplantation. It is necessary to state that factors such as how many roots will be planted and the amount of beard are determinative. In addition, the number of sessions is the most important factor in changing the total cost. It should be said that while one session is sufficient for some people, two or three sessions will be required depending on the situation for those who are called corners. In order to get the most accurate information about Beard transplant prices, it would be right to apply to a specialist clinic. It may be possible to give a clear price after a detailed examination.

Is the Prices of Beard Transplantation Important As It Is Thought?

We should say that the prices of beard transplantation have reached a level that will appeal to everyone, especially in recent years. Therefore, anyone who wishes can benefit from this operation. However, beard cultivation; It is an extremely serious operation, just like hair transplantation. In fact, unpleasant consequences of an erroneous procedure may occur, since it directly affects the appearance of the face. Therefore, the expertise of the person who will perform the operation should be considered rather than the price in beard transplantation. It is imperative that this operation be performed by a person or persons who are experts in the field. Because, as we said before, it is an irreversible process.

When it comes to beard transplantation, different prices may be requested for each center and each specialist. The district where the clinic is located; It is also an important factor in prices. We can easily say that a beard transplant clinic located in Nişantaşı and a clinic located in Üsküdar will not have the same prices. There may be some differences in popularity between two clinics located in the same neighborhood. Such differences will also show themselves in price.

In conclusion, we should state that the prices differ according to the number of roots that the person needs. Different root requirements can be mentioned for the mustache, chin area, sideburns and cheek area. Prices will be different depending on the numbers. Beard transplant; It is not an operation that shows its effect in a short time. It is necessary to wait an average of one year after the procedure. After deciding what kind of beard the person wants, the whole process will be easier.