Although facelift surgery is mostly performed as a result of aesthetic concerns and needs, it is also performed as a necessity in some medical conditions. Losing the vitality and elasticity of the skin with advancing age has devastating effects on most people. Face lift surgeries are also preferred by those who want their skin to be as vigorous and tense as before.

Face lift tapes, botox, cellular treatments, filler, laser etc. With these applications, non-surgical face lift is also possible. With the development of technology, a new application is added to these applications every day. However, non-surgical facelift methods have a temporary effect and need to be renewed in approximately 6-12 months. Sometimes these methods are not enough because the wrinkles and sagging on the face are too much and face lift surgery is applied.

Before the facelift surgery, the youth photos of the patient are examined and it is seen in which areas the effects of aging are concentrated, and it is determined which parts of the face will be treated. In addition, what the patient is uncomfortable with and what he wants to change is also heard in this interview. A joint decision is reached by evaluating the patient and the physician.

In facelift surgery, the tissues under the skin are intervened with the incisions made on the face. The sagging areas are moved to their old places. Most of the time, face lift surgery is performed with combined surgeries. It is especially performed together with eyelid surgery and neck lift procedures. If the patient needs and desires other surgeries, it is possible to perform the surgeries together.

People who prefer facelift are generally men and women over the age of 40. The signs of aging of the skin generally appear in the 40s, but due to genetic predisposition, signs of aging can be seen on the skin at an earlier age. At this point, how the patient will feel better should be examined, and the patient and the physician should be evaluated together.

Face lift surgery is an operation that is needed in addition to the signs of aging. Facial sagging can also be seen in people who have obesity problems, lose a lot of weight, and have operations that provide rapid weight loss, such as stomach reduction. In this way, people who experience rapid weight loss can continue their lives more comfortably with facelift surgery.

Face Lift Surgery Recovery Process

The advancement of technology and medicine also improves surgical techniques. In this way, both the operations are performed with very different instruments and the post-operative recovery processes are easier. The fact that the endoscopic surgical methods used affect the tissues less, also contributes to the healing process of the patient. Contrary to what is known in the society, the recovery process in facelift surgeries is also short and relatively painless.

After facelift, the swelling, edema and bruises on the patient’s face begin to heal visibly after 2-3 days on average. Although it varies from person to person, patients can usually return to their social lives within 7-10 days. After this period, the healing process continues. The results of the surgery, in other words, it can take up to 2 months for the face to settle. Although this period does not require a great deal of care, you should definitely follow your doctor’s warnings and instructions.

Is Face Lift Surgery Permanent?

“Is facelift surgery permanent?” probably all patients ask. As we continue to age, of course, this will have effects on our skin. A successful facelift surgery performed in accordance with your face will maintain its effect for about 10 years. The prolongation or shortening of this period may vary with the living conditions and habits of the person. Regular sleep, little or no alcohol and cigarette use, sun protection, etc. Conditions will prolong the permanence of facelift surgery. For more detailed information about face lift surgery, face lift surgery prices, please contact us.