For many women, there is a loss of self-esteem from having small breasts. Breast Enlargement is an operation that is met with prejudice in society. At this point, this way of thinking has been changing, especially in recent years. Therefore, Breast Enlargement surgery is the choice of many people who have difficulties in this matter.

It is wondered what is the appropriate time for Breast Enlargement. At this point, birth processes are important. In other words, it is imperative to wait for the best time for the operation.

Who can undergo Breast Enlargement surgery?

Mothers who are willing to get pregnant can undergo Breast Enlargement surgery before birth. There are no conditions other than being 18 years old and not having any health problem that prevents the operation. In some cases, the operation becomes necessary for solving genetic problems. This operation is extremely necessary for women whose breasts have not developed or are underdeveloped despite the age of 18. If the breast tissue is small compared to the body, the operation is required. Breast Enlargement is not possible except by a surgical method. Thanks to breast silicone implants, the breasts can be enlarged.

Is there any situation that Breast Enlargement is necessary?

There are other situations where Breast Enlargement is required. Contrary to the example above, there may be those who need this operation, although they are 18 years old and there is no problem in terms of development in their breasts. This operation can be used to correct some deformities in the breast. For example, a large nipple or underdevelopment of one of the breast draw attention as serious problems. Thanks to breast implants, this problem can be solved. In addition, the fact that the breast size is incompatible with the hips also makes this operation necessary. In other words, Breast Enlargement can be performed to ensure that the body is compatible as a whole.

Apart from the genetic problems mentioned above, it can also be done for women who do not have any problems. Although some women their breast size is compatible with their body, they prefer this operation in order to look more feminine.

Does Breast Enlargement surgery has negative effect on breasfeeding?

Those who want to undergo Breast Enlargement surgery have some prejudices that this operation negatively affects breastfeeding. However, since the surgery is performed under the breast muscle, it is not even possible to harm breastfeeding. In other words, the operation does not affect breastfeeding either positively or negatively. Breastfeeding may even become easier, especially for women who have small breasts, as the breast is pushed forward with the operation. It may be necessary in some cases to insert silicone after breastfeeding due to the discharge of the inside of the breast.

Can pregrant women undergo Breast Enlargement surgery?

It is not possible for pregnant women who are preparing to become mothers to undergo Breast Enlargement in the nine-month period. The delivery of the mother is expected to end, respectively. Then, the baby should be expected to stop breastfeeding. Finally, check if the milk is no longer coming from the breast. After the end of all this process, we can say that a woman who has just given birth is ready for Breast Enlargement. Women who rush for the operation may have serious deformations that can be experienced in the breast area.

As we mentioned above, women who are breastfeeding their babies are not allowed to undergo this operation at the same time. An average of three to four months should wait after the end of the lactation period. In other words, the breast’s breastfeeding function should be finished.

Is it possble to do the operation before the age of 18?

It is possible in some cases to perform operations such as Rhinoplasty or Prominent Ear operation before the age of 18. However, Breast Enlargement surgery cannot be done before the age of 18. Because the patient is expected to complete the development process.