The hair transplant procedure known as DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is comparable to FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) in that both require removing individual hair follicles from the donor region and implanting them in the recipient area. The two methods do vary in several significant ways, though:

  • DHI involves implanting the hair follicles directly into the recipient area using a specialised tool known as a Choi implanter pen, in contrast to other hair transplant techniques that typically involve making incisions in the recipient area first and then implanting the follicles into those incisions.
  • Accuracy: DHI enables better control and accuracy over the location and angle of the implanted follicles, producing a hairline that appears more natural.
  • Speed: Because DHI doesn’t need recipient sites to be created beforehand, it may be a quicker approach than other hair transplant techniques.
  • Healing: Since DHI doesn’t include any sutures or incisions, the healing process could go more quickly and without complications.

It’s crucial to remember that the decision between DHI and other hair transplant methods may rely on specific aspects including the kind of hair loss, the thickness of the hair, the state of the scalp, and the desired results, and should be reviewed with a licenced hair transplant surgeon.

Which technique is better in FUE or DHI?

The decision between FUE and DHI hair transplant procedures is influenced by the individual’s hair loss circumstances and objectives. While FUE is a more established and conventional approach that requires the building of channels prior to implanting grafts, DHI is a newer and more sophisticated procedure that employs a specialised instrument to implant grafts directly into the scalp without the requirement for channel formation.

Both treatments have benefits and drawbacks, and the ideal approach for a certain individual is determined by criteria such as hair thickness, the size of the balding region, and the desired goal. To discover the best solution, contact us and talk with our skilled Op.Dr. Serif Yavuz, who is one of the best hair transplant experts in Turkey, Istanbul at our aesthetic and plastic surgery clinic.