Rhinoplasty is sometimes performed according to a certain shape that people want, while sometimes it is performed in the way that best suits the person. If people undergo surgery to a physician who is an expert in his field, it will not be obvious that aesthetics have been performed. It is not as difficult to capture a natural nose appearance as it might be thought. It will take an average of 12 months for the shape to fit after rhinoplasty. But not everyone’s healing process is exactly the same. For this reason, the recovery process of people may be less or longer. The most important thing is that there is no blow to the nose during this process.

Healing process after Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a process that intimidates many people and seems challenging. However, when it is done by a specialist doctor, this process will pass more easily. After the surgery, people do not experience much pain and people do not have to go through this process in the hospital. You can leave the hospital shortly after the operation. Rhinoplasty does not adversely affect the quality of life of people and recovery can be seen in a short time. Bandages worn after surgery spoil the appearance. For this reason, people may prefer to have surgery during vacation times. However, if the appearance after the surgery does not affect the people, it is possible to return to work 2 days later. Those who want to start work with a thinner bandage should wait a week. At the end of two weeks, the bandage will come off and the nose will be completely open.

Nose appearance after Rhinoplasty

The appearance of the nose after aesthetics is not the same for everyone. With the advancement of technology, people can now look at simulations of their post-operative images. The photograph of the person is transferred to the computer environment and the changes to be made on the nose are applied on the program. In this way, people can see their nose appearance after aesthetics in advance. However, this appearance is not exactly the same, it is the informational image given to the person about the changes that will occur in the appearance. Before the plastic surgery, the expectations of the person are learned and a nose structure is preferred in accordance with these expectations. Before the procedure, the patient is examined and the most suitable method for the nose is determined. The aesthetic touches to be made according to the shape of the nose are decided and the process is done.