The Latest Advancements in Hair Transplant Techniques in Turkey

Over time, hair transplantation technology has improved, making it more successful and efficient. Hair transplantation methods and technology have advanced:

  • FUE Hair Transplantation: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a newer hair transplant procedure that harvests individual hair follicles from the donor region instead of a scalp strip. This method transplants individual hair follicles using a tiny punch instrument. FUE creates no linear scar and is less invasive than FUT.
  • Robotic Hair Transplantation: A robotic arm performs FUE in robotic hair transplantation. The robotic arm employs algorithms and artificial intelligence to precisely detect and collect healthy donor hair follicles.
  • DHI Hair Transplantation: DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) uses a Choi implanter pen to implant individual hair follicles into the recipient region. This method reduces healing time and invasiveness by eliminating recipient incisions and slits.
  • PRP Therapy: PRP therapy is a non-surgical hair restoration procedure that injects a patient’s own platelet-rich plasma into the scalp to encourage hair growth. Combining this procedure with hair transplantation improves hair regeneration and recovery time.
  • Stem Cell Therapy: Injecting stem cells into the scalp to generate hair is a new hair restoration method. Early trials of this medication seem encouraging.

These advances in hair transplantation technology and procedures have made the process more successful and efficient with less downtime and scarring.

Can DHI hair transplantation be customized for specific hair styles?

Yes, particular hair styles may be accommodated via DHI hair transplantation. The patient and the surgeon may discuss the ideal hairline form, density, and overall look during the consultation phase. The surgeon may then design a treatment strategy that is specifically tailored to get the desired outcome. The surgeon may manipulate the direction and angle of the implanted hairs using specialised equipment and methods to produce a natural-looking outcome that suits the patient’s hair growth pattern and preferred style.

What are the differences between over-the-counter and prescription hair loss treatments?

OTC and prescription hair loss treatments range in active component strength and government control. OTC hair loss remedies like minoxidil are less effective than prescription drugs. OTC remedies may work for mild to moderate hair loss, but they may not work for severe hair loss.

Doctors prescribe finasteride and other hair loss therapies. For more severe hair loss or male or female pattern baldness, these drugs are usually suggested.

Prescription drugs are also regulated more than OTC ones for safety and effectiveness. Prescription drugs are safer and more effective than OTC ones since they’ve been through more clinical research.

To establish the cause of your hair loss and the best treatment choices for you, whether OTC or prescription, see a hair loss expert in Turkey.

To discover the best solution for yourself contact us and talk with our skilled Op.Dr. Serif Yavuz, who is one of the best hair transplant experts in Turkey, Istanbul at our aesthetic and plastic surgery clinic.